Ansley, Jeannie and Victoria walking on the boardwalk at Chek Jawa wetlands
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The Chek Jawa Wetlands



4 October 2023

Chek Jawa Wetlands is a famous tourist spot in Ubin. It’s a wonderful location to relax and take a breather from the hustle and bustle. Chek Jawa is located on the East side of Pulau Ubin and it has 6 diverse ecosystems. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a curious soul, or someone who needs a break, I’d recommend you to go to Chek Jawa. Chek Jawa is open from 7am to 7pm. You can head down via a 40-minute walk from the Jetty, renting a bike, or renting a van. From the visitor centre, there are 2 routes you could take which are the Coastal Loop (500m) or Mangrove Loop (500 m) (NParks, 2021).


My favourite thing to do there is to walk on the boardwalk and just enjoy the experience. The team went at 8 am in the morning, and while I dreaded mornings the view was worth it. You can see things that might’ve not been caught in the afternoon when the island is full of visitors. On that day we saw a huge lizard hunting for fish! We also saw small crabs scattered in the sand and wetlands. This reminds me of the beauty of nature and how we should keep protecting it. This also brings me to Chek Jawa Visitor Centre House No.1, a place located near the boardwalk which safeguards the history and story of Chek Jawa.. It tells the tale of the reclamation project and the efforts to save the ecosystem of Chek Jawa in an old house, bringing you nostalgia and a trip to the past (NParks, 2021).


After passing through the wetlands we resumed our journey following the boardwalk and found ourselves in another environment. We were surrounded by huge trees, plants, and mangrove plantations, and it felt like scouring a mini jungle. We then found a huge tower called Jejawi Tower, a 21m viewing tower (NParks, 2021). We climbed the tower and the view was breathtaking! We also caught sight of a bird and were able to view part of the island.


Chek Jawa is truly a wonderful place filled with life and diversity. The Ubin Kakis team was very inspired and rejuvenated by the experience and we hope that you will be able to have this experience too. Onto next time!


References and links you might find helpful!

National Parks Board (NParks). (2021). Chek Jawa Wetlands.

National Parks Board (NParks). (2021). House No. 1.

National Parks Board (NParks). (2021). Chek Jawa Boardwalk and Jejawi Tower.