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Jia Yee's Reflections

Jia Yee


29 December 2023

Share your key takeaways about our CSP's broad social issue of fading cultures and your understanding of what cultural heritage is

The cultures of Pulau Ubin are continuing fading with the moving out of the residents and the leaving of the old residents. Through Project Ubin Kakis, I had a better connection with the residents instead of just visiting Ubin as a visitor. I was so thankful to meet everyone on the island and listen to their stories about Pulau Ubin in the past. These stories were worthwhile to document as they might be the last generation of Pulau Ubin. Pulau Ubin isn’t just an island for camping and cycling, it is fun and interesting to get to know the residents and listen to their stories.


Through Project Ubin Kakis, I also understand that cultural heritage is not just historical buildings, it is also traditional practice and most importantly, human beings. The residents continuously pass down their practice and culture and form Ubin today. It is a loss to us if we are unable to pass down all these Ubin’s stories to the next generation.

A special memory with the Ubin communities

One of my special memories with the Ubin communities is the Tua Pek Kong Festival. It was my first time to participate in such a festival. It was interesting to see all these traditional cultures that I had never seen before.


Through the festival, I also saw teamwork among the committee members of the temple, Ubin residents and visitors from the main island. Everyone was coming to the temple and working together to hold the event. Even though the event was tiring, everyone was enjoying the moment to work and have fun together.

One video & one IG post that's special to you

One of my favourite videos is Video 3 from Auntie Yak Hong (the convenience store owner). Through the interview, she shared with us how Pulau Ubin was like in the past. There was a strong contrast between now and old time in Ubin. As compared to the past, nowadays, their businesses mostly relied on the visitors as the majority of the residents had moved out. I was also upset to hear that they might close their shop if their children didn’t want to take over the business. It was such a waste to let a hundred year old shop close down.


One of my favourite IG posts is the Diwali Festival Post. I was so glad and thankful to see the participants were drawing a rangoli on the floor rather than following our original plan to draw it on the plate. The final products were really beautiful and was heartbroken to destroy them at the end of the event.